Paul Schweiger

Credentials: Professor, UW-La Crosse

Pronouns: he/him

Paul Schweiger


BS, Biotechnology, St. Cloud State University
PhD, Biology, UW–Milwaukee

Previous positions held: 

  • Postdoc, University of Bonn, Germany
  • Assistant Professor, Missouri State University
  • Assistant Professor, UW-La Crosse
  • Associate Professor, UW-La Crosse
  • McGinley Endowed Professor of Microbiology, UW-La Crosse

Current position or career path:

I am currently an Associate Professor of Microbiology at UW-La Crosse and the Microbiology Graduate Programs Director. UWL is a PUI with a strong focus on undergraduate and master’s level education and research. I supervise a research lab composed of a team of undergraduate and master’s students, as well as instruct classes in introductory microbiology and bacterial physiology/metabolism. Prior to joining UWL, I held a similar position at Missouri State University. I did my postdoctoral training a the University of Bonn, Germany where I was able to teach an applied microbiology course and supervise a small research group.

Advice for current graduate students and postdocs:

Your focus should be on developing research skills. You are there for reason and people believe in you and want you to succeed. Master the fundamentals, including any lab, computational, or statistical skills you need to complete your projects. This will give you a good foundation for any future work. If you are a new graduate student, use any lab setbacks as learning opportunities, remember most experiments fail. Try to stay organized. learning some time management methods can be useful so you don’t feel so overwhelmed. Remember to form bonds with your peers and mentors. Talk science, attend meetings, and embrace collaboration. This network is often valuable later in your career for jobs and for interesting new science. Be open to multiple career paths and make a career development plan with your mentor(s). Lastly, remember to focus on your mental health when needed. Graduate school and postdoc fellowships can be stressful. Take breaks and celebrate success/progress.