Sarah May

Credentials: Scientific Writer, University of Chicago

Pronouns: she/her

Sarah May


BS, Biology, Alma College
PhD, Biochemistry, Medical College of Wisconsin

Previous positions held: 

  • Postdoctoral Fellow

Current position or career path:

Since graduate school, it’s been my goal to make scientific communication more clear, concise, and accessible. I took courses in science writing and wrote research news briefs on a volunteer basis for the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB). Currently, as a scientific writer for a large research laboratory at UChicago, I write and edit manuscripts, help grad students/postdocs with grant writing, manage the laboratory website, and design figures/graphical abstracts to highlight their research.

Advice for current graduate students and postdocs:

Seek out volunteer activities related to career paths that interest you (or even ones that you never would have considered!). Try many different things and see what sticks. Have an open mind, be flexible, and don’t be afraid to make your own path.