Megan Dixon

Credentials: Biosafety Specialist, UW–Madison

Pronouns: she/her

Megan Dixon


BS, Biology, Indiana University – Bloomington
PhD, Microbiology, UW–Madison

Current position or career path:

As a biosafety specialist in the Office of Biological Safety, I am primarily involved in the review of biological research activities, educating researchers during biosafety outreach visits, and providing biosafety support for UW’s research community. When preparing to graduate with my PhD, my goal was to find a job where I could apply my microbiology knowledge in some way that helps the public. This job has been a great opportunity for that, and I love that I continue to interact with scientists every day. Being a helpful resource for people while continuing to broaden my biology knowledge is incredibly satisfying. I’m not exactly sure what the rest of my career has in store for me, but I expect to stick with working in safety.

Advice for current graduate students and postdocs:

Networking is so, so important. I am an introvert, but in my last few years of grad school, I managed to hone the art of the informational interview. You can start with small things like greeting people in elevators you don’t know to build courage. Then work up to cold-messaging people and asking for a 20-minute chat. I’ve never had someone tell me no! Worst case, I’ve been ignored and then got over it. Best networking advice I’ve ever received–when you do connect with someone, after chatting for a bit, ask them if they recommend connecting with any particular people they know. For example, “X sounds really interesting! Would you be willing to help connect with me with anyone else who is familiar with X”? Your network will grow rapidly if you do this, and even more importantly, your confidence will grow!