Matt Begemann
Credentials: Senior Director, R&D, Benson Hill, Inc
Pronouns: he/him
BS, Biochemistry, University of Missouri
PhD, Microbiology, UW–Madison
Current position or career path:
During my last few years of graduate school I became interested in biotech startup companies. I was a very early employee at Benson Hill, Inc as a bench scientist. Over the past 10 years, I have been involved in building & leading R&D teams, developing new technologies, product development, and technology licensing. I enjoy translating great science into products that have real impact.
Advice for current graduate students and postdocs:
When you get a PhD and move to industry, there is an expectation that you can manage yourself, others, and projects. Find the time to learn these skills during graduate school. These are learned behaviors that take repetitions to figure out.